bGeigie in motion – mobile radiation readings

Last month I blogged about our concept bGeigie, which is essentially a pair of geiger counters rigged to a car and connected to a GPS device and laptop to log the points as we drive around the country side. We’ve now completed several of these drives and have mapped out the data so it makes…

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Alpha, Beta, Gamma

The sensors we’re using are very sensitive and pick up Apha, Beta and Gamma radiation which is different for some equipment and published readings which sometimes eliminate Alpha all together, or focus specifically on high energy Gamma. We’ve created some filters that block different kinds of radiation so we can break down our measurements and…

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Call for volunteers

In Tokyo and want to help out with Safecast? We need volunteers to help on our driving missions north to take radiation readings, if you have a drivers license (your own car is a plus too) and want to help out on an upcoming field trip please let us know. If you don’t have a…

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Fundraising and how to get a limited edition iGeigie

As you may be aware we are using Kickstarter to help raise funds for this project. We have a project live on the site right now that has been progressing nicely but isn’t fully funded yet and is running out of time. I’m really not comfortable asking for financial contributions but the fact is we…

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Video: First Safecast mobile run

Here’s a short video explaining how our set up works: You can read a full account of the trip here. There’s also a much longer video (16 minutes) of raw footage of some of the equipment being assembled after the jump. 私達の装置がどう機能するかを説明した、短いビデオを掲載します。 「こんにちは、Safecast.orgのPieter Frankenです。今東京のTokyo Hackerspaceの前に来ています。今から福島で放射線を測定し地図に落とすためにSafecast.orgとして初走行に出かける準備をします。一緒にいるのは今日運転するSteveです。私達が車で走行しながらどのように放射線を計測するかSteveが簡単に説明します。おはようSteve、元気?」 「おはよう、元気だよ。」 「今日僕達が何をするか話してくれる?」 「ここにGPS追跡装置とガイガーカウンターを内蔵したボックスがあります。センサーはここにあり、雨などから保護するためマイラーで覆ってあります。ガイガーカウンターとGPSは全てこの中に取り付けられています。これはUSBコネクタで、ここにつないだPCがGPSデータとガイガーカウンターの測定値のログを記録します。ボックスは窓に固定されており、この状態で福島に向けて運転し、道中GPSとガイガーカウンターの値を5秒毎に測定します。」 「なるほど。それでは始めよう。Steve、ありがとう。」 このときの走行の様子を詳細に報告した記事はここで読めます。また、下のリンクをクリックすると、一部の装置を組み立てた様子をそのまま撮影した長いビデオ(16分)を見ることができます。

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First Safecast mobile recon

Last week a team from Keio University took one of our geiger counters for a drive. That was a test run for our slightly more elaborate set up, the first test of which happened this weekend. Rather than taping the counter to the window and taking photos (a method which worked fine btw) we’ve developed…

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RDTN is now Safecast

We’re excited to announce that effective immediately we’re rebranding this project as Safecast. You may recall that this site was conceived and launched in only about 3 days. Since then the scope and goals have grown considerably and we decided the name should better reflect that. While we certainly started this thinking about radiation in…

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Radiation infographic

This graphic is helpful in understanding much about radiation. 放射線についての理解に役立つ解説図があります。リンクをクリックするとこの記事の続きが読めます。

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First mobile run: Keio team

We’ve been working with some people from Keio University and earlier this week they took one of our sensors (0008 to be specific) on a drive north through some areas that have had no radiation data reported at all. At this point each geiger counter we have has it’s own flickr account where photos of…

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Quake during RDTN panel discussion in Tokyo

Earlier today at the New Context Conference 2011 Spring, RDTN co-founder Aaron Huslage was on a panel with Joi Ito, Jun Murai, Ray Ozzie and Dan Sythe talking about radiation detection and the efforts of the RDTN team. Halfway through his talk (about 0:29 in this clip) a 5.8 earthquake hit Honshu, Japan and was…

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